Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
and she's gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
that grow so incredibly high
Newspaper taxies appear on the shores
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
and you're gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Picture yourself in a train in a station
With plasticine porters
with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Errori di bella chioma
dorate, inanellate,
o come belle, o come
e volate e scherzate:
ben voi scherzando errate
e son dolci gli errori,
ma non errate in allacciando i cori.
The Beatles
Picture yourself on a boat in a riverWith tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
and she's gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain
Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies
Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers
that grow so incredibly high
Newspaper taxies appear on the shores
Waiting to take you away
Climb in the back with your head in the clouds
and you're gone
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Picture yourself in a train in a station
With plasticine porters
with looking glass ties
Suddenly someone is there at the turnstile
The girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, ah
Errori di bella chioma
G.B. Marino
O chiome erranti, o chiomedorate, inanellate,
o come belle, o come
e volate e scherzate:
ben voi scherzando errate
e son dolci gli errori,
ma non errate in allacciando i cori.
Il testo di Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds e quello di Errori di bella chioma dovevano comparire in questo Anti-Blog già da tempo, per diversi motivi. Forse casualmente, forse per volere divino, si sono ritrovati qui riuniti in un unico post psichedelico. Be', forse è meglio così.
Domani parto per la montagna, per cui non aspettatevi post nei prossimi sei-sette giorni. Non piangete.
Viva il Barocco!
Feelin' so Penk.
Domani parto per la montagna, per cui non aspettatevi post nei prossimi sei-sette giorni. Non piangete.
Viva il Barocco!
Feelin' so Penk.
Ah,cosa chiedere di più alla vita di un post psichedelico??La canzone fantastica,la poesia strabiliante.Foto da rivedere però.
RispondiElimina@ Pila: mi sono dimenticato di scriverlo, ma l'ho trovata per caso su internet cercando "lucy in the sky with diamonds" con Google.
RispondiEliminaL'immagine non la trovo più psichedelica di questa: http://frelon.deviantart.com/art/city-of-light-18303291
RispondiEliminaQuesto, piuttosto: http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs18/f/2007/158/b/3/What_by_thegirlinthebigbox.jpg
Se è destino, è destino u.u